Friday, March 20, 2009

thing 15) rollyo

this seems like it could be cool, but unfortunately i had errors in processing almost 80% of the time that i was trying to search. i had trouble thinking about what to make for a search, but i think that online shopping would be easier with this tool. for instance, i like to search vintage clothing websites. i entered my favorites, and a pencil skirt should be able to be searched for across all the sites! unfortunately, i had errors with almost every search i tried.

there is also no help feature. i want to know if wild cards, quotations, boolean operators, etc are allowed with this search roll. i tried searching for a "shirt dress" and found dress shirts, shirts, dresses, etc. it would not let me limit to something like "day dress size X" (without quotes). this may be why i was getting the error, but i could not tell why this was happening, and without help, i quit.

if i could figure out how to search rollyo better, i might recommend it. we could set up well known reference sites for homework help, student research, egov searches....the possibilities are endless.

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