Friday, January 30, 2009

thing 3

so this week we had to search blogs using technorati and another search.

first, i tried technorati. i searched for french bulldogs, my current obsession. i did not understand the results right away. they did not seem relevant at all. then, i limited it to only searching blogs, rather than posts...this seemed to help.

i got more relevant hits. it groomed from 151 to 19 hits, which all seemed connected to the canines in some way. then, i was curious about authority, but it would not let me limit this...i guess because i had few relevant hits? i understand better how this technorati program works, but i just don't care enough about reading blogs for it to interest me much.

i tried to get into reading blogs back in library school, and just find that it's too overwhelming to try and keep up. i'd rather read only 1-2 good blogs. reading more than 3 posts a day does not interest me...

okay, so then i tried google blog search. at first click, i was overwhelmed with over 80 thousand hits. how can that many blogs mention frenchies? using an exact search limited my hits to 8 thousand. even though i picked "search blogs" i am getting hits for other websites, such as flickr and etsy. i don't understand.

it is good to know about this technology, but i honestly do not see myself using it.

i'd rather hear about a blog through a friend, see it linked to a blog i already follow, or read about it in a journal/magazine.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

thing 2) preparation = lib 2.0 success

some random thoughts about library 2.0 after reading materials for NEFLIN's 23 things...

making library 2.0 work for our library takes forethought and planning. i went to a library 2.0 seminar last month (offered through NEFLIN) and realized that we can learn about each type of program and application, but if we don't plan how we are going to use them, it will not be efficient or productive. once we are familiar with these applications, we need to plan which, how, and why we will use each at our facility.

i've fallen behind in the 23 things, and the presenter on the video had a great point. just scheduling in 15 minutes can be productive. i get caught up in filling out profile info, changing the blog's appearance, and things like that, which are real time-suckers. if i give myself just 15 minutes to finish a task, then what i've gotten done is it.

i also agree that we've got to start thinking differently and outside of the box. we can use these apps for many different things. if my hairstylist and seamstress can tell me to find her on facebook, i know the world of relationships and communications are certainly changing.

my mom is on facebook...yesh! it's certainly not just for teens any longer.

i really enjoyed the formula from darlene fichter, as quoted in the ongoing web revolution:

library 2.0 = (books n stuff + people + radical trust) x participation

i'd like to add preparation and planning into that equation:

library 2.0 = [(books n stuff + people + radical trust) x participation]/preparation

that's it for now...

Monday, January 12, 2009

first of least 23.

this is my first attempt at NEFLIN's 23 things. i created a new blog. i've used blogger before, so i thought i'd try wordpress.


i didn't like it at all...too busy and not at all intuitive. so i trashed that blog and recreated it on blogger...


the perks i've heard about wordpress is that you can add more blurbs on the side and personalize it more. i think that it may be for the more experienced blogger, so i'm okay with reverting back to blogger to understand the basics of blogging.