Monday, January 12, 2009

first of least 23.

this is my first attempt at NEFLIN's 23 things. i created a new blog. i've used blogger before, so i thought i'd try wordpress.


i didn't like it at all...too busy and not at all intuitive. so i trashed that blog and recreated it on blogger...


the perks i've heard about wordpress is that you can add more blurbs on the side and personalize it more. i think that it may be for the more experienced blogger, so i'm okay with reverting back to blogger to understand the basics of blogging.

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Ms. Tumnus!! Obviously she is not very long. How much does she weigh? How do you avoid stepping on her?
    By the way, I selected your blog because of the title. I collect teapots and drink tea once in a while. I will probably be drinking it the next few days since it is supposed to get down to 25 tonight. Brrrrr!
