so this week we had to search blogs using technorati and another search.
first, i tried technorati. i searched for french bulldogs, my current obsession. i did not understand the results right away. they did not seem relevant at all. then, i limited it to only searching blogs, rather than posts...this seemed to help.
i got more relevant hits. it groomed from 151 to 19 hits, which all seemed connected to the canines in some way. then, i was curious about authority, but it would not let me limit this...i guess because i had few relevant hits? i understand better how this technorati program works, but i just don't care enough about reading blogs for it to interest me much.
i tried to get into reading blogs back in library school, and just find that it's too overwhelming to try and keep up. i'd rather read only 1-2 good blogs. reading more than 3 posts a day does not interest me...
okay, so then i tried google blog search. at first click, i was overwhelmed with over 80 thousand hits. how can that many blogs mention frenchies? using an exact search limited my hits to 8 thousand. even though i picked "search blogs" i am getting hits for other websites, such as flickr and etsy. i don't understand.
it is good to know about this technology, but i honestly do not see myself using it.
i'd rather hear about a blog through a friend, see it linked to a blog i already follow, or read about it in a journal/magazine.
Thanks Cedar Rapids Public Library!
5 years ago